Relationships when put in perspective can be viewed like any old game we play. In that just like a game, it has rules. One in particular that I would like to point out. It's called the 80/20 rule. It's pretty easy to understand but it's also the one rule in the dating game we tend to break the most! However high we set our intentions for being good to another our human nature limits us to receiving 80% of what we really need from a significant other. Even when we feel that we gave 120% on any given day, the other only takes hold of the 80 they've grown accustomed to. Because we are human and live for a 100% satisfaction guarantee we often go searching for ways to fill the void. Whether through hobbies, friends or other secret lovers, we can't help but chase after the 20. Our biggest downfall, especially in my generation is that we have become so used to losing out that we are blinded to the very moment when we've won the biggest. In other words we spend so much time in attempt to catch the 20 we eventually lose the 80 we needed and had all along. As for my question to you people ask me all the time why I don't date. I laugh everytime I get the chance to respond because my answer is simple. I in return ask them have you ever cheated on your lover. Nine times out of ten they say yes and with they're response is my truth and my answer. God has made my heart a work in progress. I am not yet ready to say that I am able to receive and respectfully cherish the 80% fabric of a woman I long to have! I highly doubt that the majority of the people I consider friends are either. I watch everyday as most people I've known over the years not only despise the 80 but would at times rather spend their lives putting their own 20% here and there to make a personal remodeled version of 80 or 100. Like I've said before when will one, ever be good enough for the other!
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