Friday, March 4, 2011

"What to Think Next"

              Kelsey contacted me yesterday. You think it's because she misses me or because she has nothing better to do than to bug me? Anyways no matter how I feel now I need to get my mind off of her. That would be easy to do but I need an idea. I'm slacking in the firing synapse department so I'm just gonna go with a question that's been lingering on my mid for a while now.
               I'm curious, my understanding of love is that when we fall in love with someone we fall in love with everything that they are. That would include all of there faults and quirky gestures. Problem is that when people end up splitting they tend to break up for the faults and downfalls of the individual that they pushed to the side when they fell in love with them. I just don't understand this concept. I mean, I guess what my real question is, were you really in love or did you just think your in love. To me falling in love with someone almost means that you've fallen in love with their faults as well. If not are you or were you really in love?


Covnitkepr1 said...

Yeah...we gotta love the faults to.

I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.

Unknown said...

As long as you both are on the same page, both Christians walking with the Lord (not perfect, obviously...but- going in the same direction)then marriage will be awesome. Not always easy, by any stretch, but marriage and eventually family,if that comes in to play, CAN be one of the biggest tools God uses to help us to be less focused on ourselves. That is SO difficult to do - since we DID grow up with ourselves, and the world as we know it really DOES revolve around us - at least it SEEMS that way.

I just pray for God's best for you. I don't know what that is, so I won't guess. You're off to an awesome start, though!

P.S. I am married and have been married for almost 32 years to the same man. Our first 7 years of marriage were horrible. Even a Baptist pastor recommended divorce for us. We didn't listen.

Here we are...

Oh, and my husband loves God every bit as much as I do.