Monday, February 27, 2012

"Not Going To Lie To You"

It's never easy is it? You just go through life and all you can really do is your best. I have to say, I'm not the happiest camper right now. It's not easy being me, as I'm sure it's not easy being you either. Life is tough and it takes more than just saying that today is going to be a good day to make things better. School sucks, I feel at times like I am going to actually be here forever. God has given me the opportunity to go to a school where I can develop my talents and gifts and half the time I choose not to honor it. I always want to be something that I am not, why is that? I'm selfish and I have a lot of bad habits to work on that's true. Recently I struck out, giving the dating game another try. Three different girls and three different fails. Truth is, i just don't know how to be in a relationship and even more, I'm not sure I know how to sustain one. I'm still in love with a love that's long past. At least I can say that it was and still is the most sincere I have ever been when dealing with love. I'm a lost cause that needs a savior. That will come through God. Problem is, my biggest solution I seem to have the hardest time turning to. Is this a problem for anyone else but me? 

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