Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day from Hell Part 4

OK so here we go! yes I'm scared and no I have no clue if this is actually going to work! Btw I do not recommend these study tactics to anyone! I'll be starting my walk now and I'm taking 53 flash cards with me. I know that seem like alot but keep in mind that I put some of the same terms in the deck of the terms I seem to have a harder time with in order to familiarize myself with them all the more! Wish me luck! 8:59 am

Day from hell part three

OK so I have added just a few steps to my plan! I've already contacted my co-worker in an attempt to get numbers to hopefully get people to cover the shift for me. However I highly doubt that any of them will so I will probably just end up calling off. Your probably wondering why I have not started studying right now but I guarantee you that this rambling is merely me trying to sort out my thoughts which will prove to be better for my brain in the end. Whats not good for my brain is the two shots of spike I just had and the two others that I will be taking in a few hours in an attempt to keep my brain at maximum working capacity while I tackle these 48 pages I'm about to hammer out! All that while simultaneously blogging and keeping up on Tumblr and the Facebook! Get ready for a ride! ; (

Day from Hell part 2-Ok so here we go

It's officially 8:34 and I have just put together a lil something I think might work! My plan to tackle my academic craziness goes a little like this. Top of the hour every hour I am going to take to the park walking and memorizing the new terms that I am learning from psych. Meanwhile every hour when the clock hits 30 I will be taking back to the reading in order to add new terms so I can master the tests that I have to do at the end of the day! Sounds great so far however I still need a plan that will get me out of work tonight and give me back the 8 hrs or so that society wants to take away from me!

The day from Hell

OK so I may have messed up  a little bit on just how to prioritize my weekend!! It was my bday yesterday and I knew I had a huge amount of work to do today and yet I still managed to put myself in a panic by not attacking my 14 or so hours of homework until now! I can still manage it but I'm going to need a plan!