Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Just Love"

Love does not manipulate.  It does not willfully harm.  It does not ignore your needs for its own.  Yet, that is the love that is sung about  and highlighted through entertainment.  In the media, love is destructive, continually tearing down and building walls.  But, that is not real love.  True love was revealed in the person of Jesus Christ.  
Giving up the comfort of Heaven and the absolute authority of divinity, he came to earth to put love into action.  He did not manipulate, he brought freedom.  He did not harm, he healed.  And, he willingly went to the Cross in order to provide salvation and hope for you and me.  


Because this man thought he knew the city, he was confused at the route that the taxi driver had chosen.  He began to suggest that the driver use alternative routes, but each idea was answered with solid reasoning.  The passenger, who was in a hurry to catch a plane kept making suggestions, until the driver finally said, “I will get you to the airport and I will get you there in time.  You know the city some because you have visited here often, but I have lived here my whole life and make a living traversing the streets.  You can trust me.”  
Not because He believed him, but because he knew that his input would not be heeded, the man in the back seat sat back and remained silent.  Glancing down at his watch as they pulled up to the airport, he realized that he had arrived earlier than he had anticipated when he had left his hotel.  “Thank you, I guess you did know best.”  The driver responded by saying, “I told you that I could be trusted.  We made it, and we made it on time.”

"My Hero"

Anyone that lays down his life for another is a hero in my book.  A man or woman that lives selflessly so that others can experience a life of freedom or the opportunity for hope should be applauded.  Service men and women, police, fire crews, teachers and many others fit into this category, but there is one that is at the top of my list of heroes.  And that is Jesus Christ. The one and only son of God boldly loved and served.  And, he willingly laid down his life so that you and I could experience hope and a great future.  When Jesus was being persecuted on his way to the cross, some were mocking him telling him to exert his power and free himself.  Make no mistake…he could have.  He could have escaped torture…but he chose not to. He knew that only by laying down his life could he purchase freedom for all of us.  Jesus did die on the cross in the ultimate act of heroism, but God raised from the dead.  His selfless act, continues to offer hope even today.  Anyone who chooses to trust Him for the forgiveness of sins experiences freedom and the promise of heaven.

"Inspect me"

Are you brave enough to let someone come in and check the quality of your cleaning? I am not sure I am. I don’t want anyone checking for dust behind my picture frames.   Rules for my living space and my heart are different, however. There is one who I willingly give permission to examine my heart.  
Because I want to be pleasing to God, I have decided to pray a prayer found in Psalm 139 as often as I can. By giving God permission to search my heart and reveal anything that isn’t right, my desire is I would understand the areas that aren’t clean so that with His help, I can work to overcome them. Have you ever prayed that prayer? It is a dangerous prayer to pray.