Sunday, December 12, 2010

"My Hero"

Anyone that lays down his life for another is a hero in my book.  A man or woman that lives selflessly so that others can experience a life of freedom or the opportunity for hope should be applauded.  Service men and women, police, fire crews, teachers and many others fit into this category, but there is one that is at the top of my list of heroes.  And that is Jesus Christ. The one and only son of God boldly loved and served.  And, he willingly laid down his life so that you and I could experience hope and a great future.  When Jesus was being persecuted on his way to the cross, some were mocking him telling him to exert his power and free himself.  Make no mistake…he could have.  He could have escaped torture…but he chose not to. He knew that only by laying down his life could he purchase freedom for all of us.  Jesus did die on the cross in the ultimate act of heroism, but God raised from the dead.  His selfless act, continues to offer hope even today.  Anyone who chooses to trust Him for the forgiveness of sins experiences freedom and the promise of heaven.

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