Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"I'm His Masterpiece"

When it comes to artistry, there is no one who compares to God.  He placed the stars in the sky to light the heavens.  He carved out the canyons and fashioned the mountains.  Every kind of terrain was his idea—from mountains to valley, rain forests to deserts.  Creatively, he conjured up every animal in the earth, see and sky and then brought them to life.  Everywhere you look, you can see the handiwork of the Creator.  But nowhere in all of creation will you discover something or someone more calculated and exceptional than you and me.  God’s creative genius is on display in us.  We are the result of his brilliant design.  We are not the result of an impulsive moment of invention formed with leftover parts and tossed away pieces.  He put great thought into us and takes great delight in us.  We have been crafted intentionally and specifically for the calling that rests upon our lives.  We are originals…one of a kind.  We are not clones, duplicates, carbon copies, or mistakes.  We are God’s masterpiece.

"He Has My Handle bars"

As is my duty and privilege, I took my sister out to help her become acquainted with her new bike. It took her a while to figure out how to ride it. Before I got her going that day, she was relying more on her old way of protecting herself, than she was trusting the bike in front of her. With looks of horror, she would let go of the handlebars and reach back for me whenever she would hit a bump or start to lose her balance.  As you can imagine this is not the best way to ride a bike.  This is very similar to what many of us do.  Instead of holding on to the one thing in their life that is stable and sturdy, they let go and reach back for the things in their past that help them deal with their lives.  Rather than hold onto Jesus through a difficult time, some people reach back to other relationships, substances, habits, or distractions. Because of that, it is not surprising that their growth is stunted.  When the challenges and temptations in life come, don’t let go of God and go back to something in your past.  Grit your teeth and make a determined effort to hold onto Jesus.  I promise you that He will hold onto you.